
Are You Abiding In Christ?

By April 8, 2019 March 31st, 2020 No Comments

In the Old Testament, before the priest could minister he had to wash his hands and feet at the bronze laver.  It was a basin hammered out of bronze filled with water. Every time the priest would stand to wash he could look down and see his reflection through the water. The New Testament tells us to be washed through the water of the word.  We need to see ourselves through the water of the word. The priest needed to continually go back to the laver to wash. So it is with us, when we hear or read the word, there is a continual process of conviction, confession and repentance that should happen.

In John 15, Jesus gives us a standard to measure our reflection by. Jesus states if we abide in His words, His love and His joy we will have the following:
1. We can ask whatever we will and it shall be done (John 15:7).2. As the father has loved me (Jesus), so have I loved you (John 15:9).3. That your joy may be full (John 15:11).
If you look at yourself through the water of the word, what do you see? What is Jesus seeing?

Ask yourself, are you abiding is His word?  How often do you read, study or meditate on the Word? Do you apply its truth to your life?   Matt. 13:1-23 tells the parable of the Sower. Jesus explained if you don’t make room for the word in your heart, it won’t grow.  We need to make it and keep it a priority in our lives, then it will flourish, and bear much fruit.
How’s His love in you?  It’s wonderful to know Jesus loves you but are you producing fruit in it? It’s easy to love those close to you but are you loving your enemy? How about the one who undermines you, your revival? The one who gets on your nerves? The unlovable?  Are you loving them like Jesus loves you? Are you reflecting Jesus?

How’s your joy?  Is it full? You know, the joy that is not affected by circumstances but remains. The joy that wells up when God triumphs.

So how’d you do? How’s your heart? It’s not too late to start afresh.  Each moment, each day, we have the opportunity to change. Even now, you can respond to the conviction, by confession and repentance.  God is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. He can improve your reflection.

John 15:7, 9.11 Exodus 30:18
Ephesians 5:26 Matthew 13:1-231 John 1:9

I would love to hear from you. You can leave a comment below or email me at [email protected]

Rev. Denise Much