S.W.I.M. International

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Spring Cleaning

By Rev. Denise Much

The last couple of days have been beautiful outside with a promise of spring. It stirs in my heart the need for spring cleaning. You know, throw open every window, and clean out every nook and cranny. Get rid of the unused, the obsolete, and the broken. We all hang on to things we think we’ll use someday, or keep waiting to lose weight to fit into. It’s time to downsize the amount of stuff packed away.

Let’s not stop at cleaning out our homes but let’s clean out our spiritual houses also. Like old offenses, old unforgiveness, and any sin we’ve been hiding. While we’re at it let’s release shame, regrets and guilt we’ve tucked away in the corner of our hearts and let’s toss out the unbelief and doubt that seem to attack us when we pray. I’m talking about spiritual spring cleaning.

A while ago I ran into an acquaintance I hadn’t seen in like 20 years. Normally I would be happy to catch up with an old friend but as I stood before them I remembered all that had transpired the last time I had seen them. It hadn’t ended well and because of their unrepented sin, I had marked them as unsafe. I remember forgiving and releasing them, but I wanted nothing to do with them. Here they were before me. What do you do? I prayed inwardly. I felt the gentle nudge of the Father letting me know He wanted to cleanse me of the offense and unforgiveness, even after all these years. It was time to open up the windows of my heart and let a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit blow through.

Just like when we go to clean out our house, we don’t always know to what extent we need to clean out until we are in the middle of it all, so it is with our hearts. We need to be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to go deep. Allowing Him to search us, to know us, even those things we don’t want to look at. If there is still pain or unpleasantness attached to a memory, it could mean we still need healing. So often we avoid the pain instead of allowing the Lord to heal us. Fear has torment, if we’re afraid to look at something, it is also an indication of our need for healing. Remember, He’s God. He created heaven and earth, loved us so much He gave His Son for us. He can create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us when asked.

It may only take me a couple of days to clean out my house but because of His grace and mercy for us, He is patient with us, always loving us, gives us time to repent, time to forgive, time to heal.

If you need help praying, pray, Holy Spirit you know me inside and out. I don’t even know what I’m hanging onto but I give you permission to cleanse my heart. Show me, Lord, any sin, unforgiveness I’m hanging on to, that I may repent of. I don’t want anything interfering with a deeper walk with you.

I always feel good after a spring cleaning, exhausted but good. I appreciate my load lightened. It feels good after a spiritual spring cleaning too, more room for God’s love, grace and mercy.

I would love to hear how your spring cleaning went. You can comment in the space below or email at mrsmuch@gmail.com.