A Word of Love

By Rev. Denise Much

My Beloved One,

You are my friend. I have chosen you. I know you. I have been with you through the fire and the flood.

You are precious in my sight.

I love to be with you; I love when we talk, I love it when you are walking in obedience when we work together.

Some have pulled back from me, but you haven’t.

You have felt unheard, overlooked, even forgotten, but I am working a good work in you. I am strengthening the weak places. I am drawing you closer to me, deeper in me.

You radiate.

You may feel broken, battered, and beaten down, but I see you complete in me, confident in me, courageous. You may feel fearful, but I see great courage.

You see failures, disappointments, but I see a place of change, a door of hope.

I see you affecting those around you, allowing me to flow out of you.

I see you letting go of past mistakes, things from your past that have burdened you, weighted you down. Past hurts, struggles, offenses, fears, there isn’t anything I’m not aware of. I see you; I know you by name. I saw you when you were yet in your mother’s womb. I make no mistakes. You are no accident; I have a purpose, a plan, a calling for you.

You may feel regret, the “if only…” but I make no mistakes. You may keep records of wrongs, shortcomings, promises broken, but I don’t.

When I see you, I see my righteous; I see my Son, Jesus clothed around you.

You look where you’ve been, but I see where you’re going.

You are my Beloved; I sing over you. I dance over you. Your name is written on my palm. You are ever on my heart. I love you. I will always love you; I’m not going to abandon you. I’m not giving up on you. You can trust me. I can’t wait to spend the day with you.

I have allured you to this place; it may feel like a wilderness, but it’s my purpose to speak to the innermost places in your heart, and you shall be fruitful here. I will cause the thing that troubles you from your past, the thing that still seems to be in the present; I will cause it to be a sure sign of redemption, a door of hope. You shall sing here, as in the days when you were joyful, carefree, as in the days when you were first saved.

I am removing the idolatrous ways, I am drawing you deeper, more intimate, and you shall no longer view our relationship as Master/slave but as Husband/wife.

There are some who feel stuck, not moving back but afraid to step forward. You know there is no help going back; it’s just familiar. You desire a safe place, a guarantee that bad things will not happen again. “…In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) I am your guarantee. I will not leave you; I will always be with you. I will always love you. I give you my Word.

I would love to hear from you. You can email me at swimdevotions@gmail.com.


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