July 2, 2024 – S.W.I.M. FaceBook Live Panel Discussion with Rev. Mary Lou Flesh
At a very early age, Mary Lou knew she was destined to be an entertainer, a producer of joy and happiness to all who listened and watched her at work. At age four, she sang in the church choir; music became a source of strength for her, as did her faith.
In the 1960s, it was the age of Aquarius; Mary Lou Joined others in singing and playing acoustic guitars, singing in popular coffee houses. When she reached the legal age of 21, she sang in nightclubs. She continued to sing nightly in restaurants and hotel lounges in Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, and San Diego for 18 years.
Mary Lou was also the lead vocalist for national commercials and jingles. Her voice was heard across America. Her education became a core desire as she entered the show business world and earned a Bachelor of Business. Then, God prompted her to attend Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. She continued her love of singing by performing at company events, churches, retirement communities, hospitals, and hospices.
On May 30, 2008, Mary Lou was ordained. Music is her ministry. Her calling is secular and sacred music, where she will always tell God’s story through music. She has over 20 years of experience leading worship and praise for Christian retreats. God’s early calling on her life has proved to be true. Rev. Mary Lou is an entertainer who produces joy and happiness.
May 28, 2024 – S.W.I.M. FaceBook Live Panel Discussion
Networking is not just about building connections; it’s about fostering a sense of belonging for women in ministry. It provides them with a support system, opportunities for collaboration, and a platform to share experiences and knowledge. Through networking, women in ministry can seek guidance, find mentors who can help them navigate the unique challenges they may face in their roles, and amplify their voices and influence within their communities and beyond.
April 23, 2024 – S.W.I.M. FaceBook Live
Bridge To The Nations provides opportunities for education, health and wellness, and nutrition. These People Groups represent 67,400 souls who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their approach is holistic to provide God’s love to transform the whole person.
March 25, 2024 – S.W.I.M. FaceBook Live
Check out our exclusive interview with Rev. Dr. Kara Werner as we explore the depths of ministry and testimony to uncover the inspiration behind her two captivating new books!
November 20, 2021 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “The Bride of Christ,” Hosted by Dr. Rev. Inell Claypool
Christ promised to be faithful to the church, He described His expectations for the church’s relationship as His bride. Scripture also promises a final reunion between Jesus Christ and His bride, the church. When Christ returns in the prophesied Second Coming, He will celebrate with His bride in a wedding ceremony where the two will be united forever. Until then, members of the church are encouraged to be faithful and be ready, waiting with anticipation for the glorious day in which they will be united with Jesus Christ and live in harmony with Him as His beloved bride (Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 21:1-2).
Reverend Claypool attended Cornell University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Human Development. She received her Masters of Divinity Degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Theology and Pastoral Counseling. Her D. Min degree is from Rawlings School of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling. She has been employed as a Mental Health Therapist in both New England and New York and is a Certified Life Coach through Light University. She is moving towards becoming a Board Certified Chaplain through the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP)
September 18, 2021 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “Equipped for Ministry,” Hosted by Rev. Laurie Graber
You are equipped by your pastors and teachers for ministry. You are not only equipped by God’s servants. You are also equipped by God’s Word. Look at 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” This passage tells us three very important things about the Word of God. All scripture comes from God. All Scripture is useful. Scripture equips you for every good work. And you are equipped by God’s Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).
Reverend Laurie Graber is the owner and President of Acres of Hope Ministry. Laurie was ordained by Supporting Women in Ministry, International (S.W.I.M.), in Malibu, California in 2014. Laurie currently serves as the Vice President of S.W.I.M. International. Acres of Hope Ministry, Inc., was formed in 2009, incorporated in 2014, approved by IRS as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization in 2016, and received its Wisconsin fundraising license in 2016.
July 17, 2021 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “Joy and Laughter in Turbulent Times”, Hosted by Rev. Gwen Ehernborg
Coming out of a worldwide pandemic, observing conflicts between nations, and hearing distressing news every day, it’s not surprising the Gospel of Matthew records Jesus telling His disciples about the turbulent times that would occur on earth before His 2nd Coming. Elsewhere Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble.” Fortunately, He wasn’t finished with this statement. He added, “. . .but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!” In spite of troubles and problems, Christ’s followers are expected to be joyful overcomers because of what Jesus did for us, going willingly to the Cross, “for the Joy that was set before Him!” We Christians have at our disposal the divine Gifts of Joy and Laughter that come from knowing Him and living daily in His presence. Let’s laugh and sing with a merry heart so others may see in us the infectious Joy of the Lord that brings true happiness into the world.
Rev. Gwen Ehrenborg is a retired United Methodist Minister who co-pastored churches in So. California for 30 years with her clergy husband, Pastor Todd. After missionary service in Mexico and Congo, Africa, she earned a Masters of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Pastor Gwen is best known for her drama and teaching ministry, Living Witnesses, through which she dramatically portrays seven leading women of Church history. Active in a number of para-church ministries, her great passion is S.W.I.M. International. Gwen felt God’s prompting to begin S.W.I.M. in 2004 by first bringing women in ministry and prayer intercessors together in support groups. After chairing the S.W.I.M. Board of Directors for 13 years, she now hopes to travel as its International Ambassador. Her latest book, Our Church Mothers, Letters from Leaders at Crossroads in History, shares the accomplishments and inspiring faith of women whom God raised up to be highly influential spiritual leaders.
May 15, 2021 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “Growing in Spiritual Maturity”, Hosted by Rev. Norma Guerrant
Rev. Norma Guerrant pastored with her clergy husband, Don, at Christ Our Savior United Methodist Church in the high desert town of Quartz Hill, Ca. Rev. Guerrant has led numerous prayer ministries both inside the church and in para-church settings. She is an experienced workshop, seminar, and retreat speaker. Norma’s passion for Jesus Christ, love for the Word of God, and enthusiasm for the Holy Spirit is wonderfully contagious in her presence. Norma served SWIM on its founding board of Directors for several years and continues to lead Georgetown, Texas Regional Group. She is on the Leadership Team as the Spiritual Director, serving in the area of her special calling of intercessory prayer. Norma and Don are rightfully proud of their two grown sons and granddaughter.
March 20, 2021 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “Prepared and Grounded for Ministry,” Hosted by Sandy Gardner
Sandy Gardner brings real-life experience with wisdom and encouragement to women called by God to live a life of purpose. As a registered nurse for over 41 years (Oh, the stories she could tell), sharing ministry with her pastor husband and overcoming some challenging childhood experiences, she loves to encourage women in the healing love and grace of our Savior! Sandy is a Mom, Grandma, walker, reader, music lover, painter. She loves God’s word and loves bringing it to life.
November 21, 2020 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “How to Place God in Control of Every Situation in Your Life,” Hosted by Rev. Mary Lou Flesh
One of our sisters in SWIM International, helped me name my ministry. In 2007, at the Prince of Peace Abby retreat center, my sister in Christ said, “God just told me you are a pilot light,” and Pilot Light Ministries began. I am a worship leader. My main ministry vehicle is music and song. The purpose of my ministry is to fulfill God’s call on my life to tell His story and bring joy and peace to everyone I encounter. My work is to ignite hope, faith, truth, and love to all. I have been a retreat worship leader for over 30 years. And, I sing in hospitals and retirement homes. I am a professional television, film, voice-over artist. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, how do you minister in the kind of secular world? Well, God did not create a sacred and secular world, He created one world. It is my job is to shine whenever and wherever I am. No excuses. When I shine, it is Jesus who turned on the light in me. Halleluiah! Thank you, Lord Jesus.
September 19th, 2020 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “How to Pray to Have Peace and a Good Relationship with Others,” Hosted by Rev. Barbara Parnell
Barbara is an elder in the California Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church where she was ordained after serving almost 20 years as Music/Education Director at various churches. After ordination, she served as Pastor in two churches in the San Diego area, the last one for 9 years. After their move to the east coast, she served a church in Alexandria.
April 18th, 2020 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “How to Pray for God’s Provision in Your Life and the Lives of Others,” Hosted by Pastor Emma (Vega) Leyva
Pastor Emma pastors at Montclair UMC and Westmount UMC. She is passionate, inspiring and filled with wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
February 15, 2020 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “How to Pray Relational Prayers,” Hosted by Susan Abrams
A lot of people pray for family, friends, our church, city, nation, and the world, etc. We all have our special prayer focus on ministries that we have a burden for. And then we pray for ourselves for daily needs and requests. But how often do we pray for increased intimacy with God to have those heart-to-heart talks with him throughout our day?
November 2018 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “Everybody Gets in the Water Differently,” Hosted by Rev. Mary Lou Flesh
Watch and listen as Rev. Mary Lou Flesh shares visions from the Lord about giving thanks. She starts off with “Everybody gets in the water differently and how to see it from God’s perspective.” Then Mary Lou takes a through “flipping” commercials on TV to hear God’s words for you. And, finally looking for God’s presence in unusual places. Share this links with friends to bless this Thanksgiving.
January 2018 – S.W.I.M. Nation Call “Grace & Truth,” Hosted by Rev. Ruth Miller
Watch and Listen as Rev. Ruth Miller presents an amazing message this morning on the SWIM Nation Call about Grace and Truth.